I keep putting this blog update on the back burner because I'm not quite sure how to write it...the past week has been overflowing with experiences that have solidified many things in my heart, and yet have now brought on
new questions and thoughts.
I bid "tokomonana" to Isiro on Monday morning and realized as my heart broke and tears flowed down my face that I was leaving a place, a family, a community, an adventure that I had completely let my heart fall in love with. My heart wasn't ready to say "goodbye." But, just as I knew deep down that God brought this adventure into being, I also know that He will turn the page and begin writing the next chapter. I am overwhelmed with a thankful heart for the fact that God provided SUCH an incredible experience that it breaks my heart to be leaving. Jesus is my Best Friend, and although I have to leave these

beautiful souls and only
hope to see them again here on earth, I am filled with comfort and joy knowing that Christ is still by my side and our adventure together isn't "over"; it's still as alive as ever. As I have to say goodbye to people, places, and seasons of life, I know that I can stand firm on the Rock who
never shifts or changes. God's love, His character, His presence is steadfast. And, because of that, I rejoice. I sing with joy inexpressible, with the truest of smiles on my face because my God is GREAT and He loves you and me more than words can ever express. All these goodbye's and chapter closures make my heart yearn for the day when Christ, our Great Warrior and Prince of Peace, our Healer and our Lover will return and we won't have to even have the word "goodbye" in our language! What a beautiful and long awaited day that will be. But, until then, I will continue to let God write on the pages of my every present moment. He is an exquisite author and I look forward to His creative masterpieces; not only in my own life, but in the lives of the people around me, too!
Let me tell you a bit of what God has written on my pages the past week...

My last weekend in Isiro (and in Congo...for now...) was truly beautiful and simply enjoyed to its fullest. On saturday, we had our "joyful noise" concert (the day we at the VDM's house had been anticipating for 5 weeks!). We had quite the little orchestra! Everyone worked so hard to learn their parts, and I was SO excited to hear the final product!! They all did so well :) Joanna played violin (and fiddle!), Maaike played violin and flute, Jonathan played trumpet, Michelle played recorder, Marian played the clarinet, and I played violin. We even got John VanderMeer and our friend Jonas to sing a couple songs with us! We sang a few songs, played many different kinds of melodies...hymns, folk/scottish music, classical... and I asked my Congolese friend, Sunaleed, to lead us all in a Lingala worship song at the end. There were about 70 people in total, and it was SO much fun!! It was incredible to see God put everything together. Every piece of the puzzle fit perfectly and we all marveled at God's glorious face as He created a masterpiece of an evening. We prayed that the evening would be a time where everyone who attended would feel the warmth of Christ's love through our music and that Jesus would be glorified. We prayed for "no rain" and God gave us a sky of pinks and purples on a backdrop of blues as the sun set. Everything about the evening was perfect and I keep praising God for such a sweet time of fellowship with HIM and with the community there in Isiro. Community is such a gift. It's something that we often don't take notice of or thanksgiving for
until it's gone...
As I left Isiro on Monday morning, I was so thankful for the time God gave me and for the amazing family He placed me into. I learned so much about the
love of Jesus through the VDM's as they continually seek and strive to know Him better each day.
I arrived in Bunia on Monday afternoon where I began a few days of relaxing and processing. I stayed with the Rasmussen's (Kent, Kim and their three kids: James, Joel, and Anna) until Friday when I flew from Congo to Nairobi, Kenya.

I enjoyed spending time reading books to the kids, talking with many people who are involved with Bible translation and Scripture Use, playing music with Kim and Kent R...I especially enjoyed getting to talk with a man, Bagamba, who is involved with Trauma Healing and Scripture Use. I spent the afternoon with Bagamba talking to him about his work with children and widows in Congo. He helps send children to school who have been orphaned by the civil wars or strife between ethnic groups in Congo. It only costs 40.00 USD/year for a child to go to school and that schooling completely changes their lives. These kids who have experienced trauma, such as watching their parents or siblings be killed by a man who lives just over the hills in another village, causes them to build up anger. Bagamba told me of kids who say, "I can't wait until I'm big enough to go and do to them what they have done to me..." These children need forgiveness and hope. Bagamba's organization puts together sessions where these kids are taught that "whoever killed your parents, GOD will take care of them"; basically, they teach the children to forgive and let God bring justice. On Wednesday, we celebrated the 50th anniversary of Congo's independence by holding a prayer gathering for Congo at the Rasmussen's home. It was sweet being able to flip through my journal and my mind to find all the prayer requests I had been gathering during various conversations over the past month. And, eating ice cream at this little get-together reminded me that I am slowly transitioning back into the "world" that I came from...It's funny how God is preparing me physically, spiritually, and emotionally for the transition back into Western culture and life. Going from
Bellevue to
Isiro isn't exactly the easiest of transitions, and going BACK again will be a challenge as well! I'm thankful for the stops in between the two worlds I have come to love. Now that I'm in Nairobi for a few days, I am once again transitioning and getting reacquainted with Western ways of life.
So, as I spend the next few days here in Kenya, I am reflecting, processing, debriefing, and simply enjoying my time with the beautiful community of missionaries
here. It's great to see everyone again who I met on my way into Congo. I'm staying at BTL again, this time with a family instead of in the guest house! :) It's amazing to think that the last time I was here, Congo was only a DREAM. Now it's a deep reality that sometimes FEELS like a dream...My heart has been shaped a bit more, and my faith in Jesus has deepened. My understanding of the VAST love God has for us has once again been broadened. I began this trip with this verse on my heart...
"The LORD is my light and my salvation;
Whom shall I fear?
The LORD is the defense of my life;
Whom shall I dread?
I would have despaired unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the LORD
In the land of the living.
Wait for the LORD;
Be strong and let your heart take courage;
Yes, wait for the LORD."
-Psalm 27:1, 13-14
And God has truly shown this to be true. And now, I leave Africa with another song on my heart...
"Jesus, all for Jesus. All I am and have, and ever hope to be.
All my ambitions, hopes and plans. I surrender these into Your hands.
For it's only in Your will that I am free."
I need not fear or worry about tomorrow...I can have hope in my Jesus, no matter what I face. I can be strong and courageous because I know that my God is true. He's steadfast. He's able. He's MORE than able. How great is our God?
-Thanksgiving for SO many things...health, the concert, a wonderful last weekend in Isiro with the VanderMeer's and all my new Congolese friends and family, traveling safely from Isiro to Bunia to Nairobi, a beautiful time with the Rasmussen's, and now a lovely time here in Nairobi
-That I will be able to debrief well and continue to prepare my heart for the transition back into Seattle and North American culture
-That my flight out of Nairobi on Tuesday will go smoothly (I leave Nairobi around 6pm and land around 10am on Wednesday in Seattle!)
-And know that I am thankful for YOU and am praying that Jesus will bless you for blessing me!! Thank you so much for all your sincere prayers as I have been here in Africa.
So, next time I write, I will be back in Seattle...
Until then, live each day with the joy of Jesus in your words, in your actions, and in your sufferings...He is with you, no matter where you are or what you're going through.
Peace and Joy in Him,
Ya Jo