Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Congo, here I come!

Praise the Lord...my visa arrived today!! So, I am now ready and set to fly out tomorrow morning from Nairobi to Uganda where I will take an MAF (Missions Aviation Fellowship) flight into Bunia, Congo. The MAF plane is about a 15 passenger, which will be lots of fun, I'm sure :) I'll be in Bunia until Friday when I will fly out to Isiro where I am meeting the VanderMeer's, the family I am staying with for the remainder of my stay here in Congo (which is until the 30th of June).

Thank you so much for all your prayers for my visa to process and make it here in time for me to fly out tomorrow! Please keep me in your prayers tomorrow as I fly, especially since I won't be with anyone who speaks French. It will be an interesting experience, for sure, but I know that Jesus is with me the whole way.

Here are a few photos of the BTL base here in Nairobi! It's a beautiful place!

And these are the kids that I spent the afternoon with on Saturday. They're great :)

Much love to you from Nairobi.

-Thanks for the visa being processed in time!
-For my stomach to continue to heal...it's still been a bit of a bother to me.
-For my traveling to Congo tomorrow...!!!
-For the language barrier, that it won't be stressful or a hinderance to me...it's easy for the Congolese boarder control to take advantage of people who don't know their language. They're known for adding taxes for things last minute...
-For the 2 days I will have in Bunia with the Rassmussen's


  1. Jo I love hearing about your trip. I'm praying for you and I'm so excited to hear about what God brings you to next. :)
    Love you!

  2. Jodi,
    i will continue praying for you. You are really brave. I can't wait to hear the stories from the Congo
    Love ya
    Barbara Chibuye Nkashi(Zambia)

  3. Finally in the congo is jodi! i'm soo happy to hear that you made it! and i can't wait to hear all that God is going to do in and thru you!
    praying for you and your health!
